Feed Pipes

Create and modify feed pipes. alt text

The user could use three functions: Draw Placeholder, Generate or align Feed Pipes. alt text

Draw Placeholder

Ability to create a Placeholder that represents a pipe. This is a native Revit function. More about placeholder you can find here.

Start drawing the placeholder from the pipe to the pipe connector. Choose and draw one path, supply or return. In the next step, after drawing all supply or return path, the user could generate twin pipes (return or supply) using Generate function.

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This function generates feed pipes based on a path created using pipe placeholders or using a single pipe path . After clicking the Generate icon, the user should indicate the manifold to which the feed pipes are connected. The offset window will appear, where the user could set the appropriate offset for the supply and return pipes.

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After confirming the offset with the OK button, the pipes should be generated.

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Align Feed Pipes

The Align Feed Pipes function helps in the proper placement of feed pipes. After clicking on the align feed pipe’s function, an Align Feed Pipes window will appear. The user could choose whether he wants to align the feed pipes with equal spacing or with defined spacing.

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  • Align with equal spacing – here the user should select all pipes which will be aligned. The first and last selected pipe will remain in the same place, while all pipes between them will be placed at equal spacing from each other.
  • Align with defined spacing – here the user should enter value of spacing between supply and return pipe. Then the user selects all pipes that need to be aligned. The first selected pipe will remain in its place, while the subsequent ones will be moved from it by the specified offset.

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