
Spaces are used to maintain all information about the area where it is placed. They collect values for a variety of parameters which are used for hydraulic calculations.

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Spaces Insertion

Create Space in the model. Space button on the ribbon allows the user to insert space in the appropriate place in the model. This is a native Revit function.

More information about this function the user could find here.

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Note! Remember to check room bounding in the Type Properties of the architecture.  

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Space Separator

Create Space boundary. Space separation lines are special model lines that are room-bounding. If the user works without an architectural model in the .rvt or .ifc format, he will not be able to insert spaces without outlining the rooms with line Space Separator.

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The Space Separator function is in the Analyze tab on the ribbon. After clicking on the icon of this function, the Modify Place Space Separator mode will be displayed, which presents various functions that allow the user to draw the space boundary.

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Space Separator Lines are a native Revit function. More information about this function the user could find here.